segunda-feira, 5 de julho de 2010

Os mitras da Covilhã

Hoje apresento-vos mais um blog. E logo um blog para rir!

Em homenagem a cómedia que foi o meu nacional, tenho o prazer de vos apresentar o blog do Mana Clube Covilhã! Os ultimos 2 posts são dignos de um filme de comédia que, e metem num canto todas as tentativas do meu blog de ser engraçadinho. Sem mais comentarios vou citar o ultimo post do referido blog.

Segunda-feira, Julho 05, 2010

Mail enviado à Wizards oft Coast

Aqui fica o texto do mail hoje enviado à Wizards depois de termos tido conhecimento do comunicado enviado à Devir Portugal sobre a desqualificação dos jogadores do Mana Clube da Covilhã no Campeonato Nacional:

Dear sirs,

Last saturday took place the Portuguese Nationals of Magic The Gathering, in Lisbon, and 5 players of our Club were removed from the National qualifiers list with the accusation of "Tournament Fraud"!

No more explanation were gived on site to the players that travel 600 kilometers from our town to Lisbon, in order to further explain what happened.

In our town Magic is played since 1995, and there are organized tournament since 2000. Never we had any kind of problem, nor with Wizards oft Coast, nor the DCI, or Devir Portugal, so we are really stupified with what happened last saturday.

Covilhã (our town) is one of the few places that is not a great city, or lies near the portuguese shore, in were Magic is played in regular basis: FNM, Pre Releases, Launch Parties, and a calendar of regular tournaments that take place every saturday.

Now we've got the feeling that someone are trying to kill Magic in another portuguese interior place, in order to, make room for the game to be played only on the major cities in Portugal.

We kindly asked to be enlightnened of the reasons that were behind the banishment of our players from the Portuguese Nationals.

On your mail to Devir Portugal, was told that this subject were not to be discussed in public, but on the arrival of our players to the tournament scene, everybody except us, knew what was going on.

We regret that this thing will give a killing blow to our Magic Community here in Covilha. We know that You are to far, not only in space, but also of our reality, that this matter may seem to be just like another one of many others, but for us, it has the importance that we gave to a game that we play from 15 years, and that we love so much.

Kindly waiting for your answer, with a clear explanation of what sucedeed,

Truly yours,

Mana Clube da Covilhã

What Nature Makes, Magic Can Modify.


Uma vez que o blog deles tem moderação nos coments, podem comentar aqui, que não terá qualquer tipo de censura.

Um abraço do tio mad

4 comentários:

u_mad_bro disse...

passo a citar o meu comentario enviado para lá.

"realmente... que injustiça... são uns coitadinhos... olha... façam um nacional so pa voces agr... assim até inventam um torneio de k40 e podem ir todos ao worlds tambem!


Anónimo disse...

Esses davam pa politicos com o discurso do "coitadinho sou vitima, fui apanhado mas a culpa n e minha e da devir que iniciou a investigaçao"
Se perdessem menos tempo a mitrar torneios (ao menos que mitrem pa ir a um PT agr ao nats tdo gajo mau vai, até o vice-campeao Goon) e fossem ver a página da devir antes de virem, sabiam k n iam jogar. Além disso n vi nenhum deles no xek in devem ter dito e eles ok e bazam
Mentirosos de merda deviam era tdos levar 1 ano ou até o Goon ser bom jogador, que era pa nunca mais jogarem

Anónimo disse...

António mitrangueiro ...


Anónimo disse...

ahaha mitras do crl

ps o goon é bom jogador